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Prayer Newsletter

Through our Bridge the Gap prayer newsletter, you will hear the voices of people from all corners of the world. We are compelled to answer as they call to us from across a gap caused by vastly different religious views and belief systems. Pray for AGWM global workers in the monthly birthday list included with this weekly email.

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Join us in Prayer

Pray with us all over the world


Pray for families, Christian workers, and churches across China, especially during Spring Festival. This holiday is a special time when people travel to spend extended time together. With the latest round of loosening of pandemic-related travel rest…


Please join us in prayer for our missionary team in Estonia, that they will have energy, peace, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they minister to others. Newly appointed AGWM missionary associate to Estonia John Crace shares, "Estonia is a wor…


Join us in prayer for Latin American Caribbean pastors as they further their training in theological education. The International Bible School Leaders Summit (held every other year) aids in this by offering sessions, workshops, services and other ac…


Join us in prayer for ethnic minority groups throughout the western regions of Northern Asia. “Most of these groups are difficult to access and bound by intense spiritual darkness,” says AGWM’s Northern Asia region. Pray that spirit-empowered worker…


Prayer D text


The next WorldView tells the stories of a Live Dead team that is seeing real results in a difficult place. Recently, one young believer reached by the team decided to walk away from his faith. Let’s pray that God would miraculously provide opport…


Join us in prayer for AGWM global workers serving on staff at the Bolivia Hope Center as they minister to the needs of over 40 children. For over a decade, AGWM global worker Brooke Davis was involved in children’s ministry in PenFlorida, until God …


Join us in prayer that the Lord will continue to supply resources to Sri Lankans and global workers amid the economic crisis taking place. AGWM personnel reports of the difficulty that has come through the increased shortage in fuel and food items. …


Pray for God to minister to Thailand’s youth as many face the aftermath of criminal activity. AGWM missionaries to Thailand Brandon and Rachel Powell write, “One of the many ministry opportunities we think about on a daily basis is the network of yo…


Please pray for Buddhists who respond to the gospel message to birth church planting movements within their own communities. May God give His people a vision of a victorious church among these peoples. AGWM personnel reports, “Life, for the Buddhist…


Pray for the Lord to empower missionaries working with Ukrainians to stay strong. May He give them wisdom amid the crisis that is taking place, and open doors of opportunity to love, minister and serve others. Many of them are working diligently, wi…


Join us in prayer that God would equip media missionaries to effectively minister the gospel message to the lost peoples of the world. “A new generation of church leaders is rising that is more tech-savvy,” writes Asia Pacific Media. “It’s an extrao…


Pray for Jesus to use unexpected places to reveal Himself to the heart of the practicing Buddhist. AGWM missionary to Thailand Sara Whitehurst shares a powerful testimony of hope found at the funeral of a young Christian celebrity. Many in attendanc…


Please ask the Lord to continue providing Bible schools with access to educational resources through the distribution of print-on-demand systems. “Print-on-demand systems offer a more sustainable option for delivering curriculum and other materials …


Join us in asking the Lord to strengthen new missionaries who are entering and serving in cultures different than their own. AGWM’s Europe region says, “Jesus took on a specific culture and language, was deeply involved in the community, and proclai…


Please pray for the church planting teams throughout Nepal as each believer carries both a willingness to serve and obedience to God’s call. One church planting team is made up of a Romanian and Bolivian family, both working together to reach Tibeta…


Join us in prayer that God would grant compassion ministries both access and favor as they aim to serve others. In several Buddhist communities, this form of outreach is seen as an interruption of karma when the needs of others are helped through th…


Pray with us for the Holy Spirit to continue using local churches to minister and testify to their communities. An example of this occurred in a poor village of southwest China, where a pastor believed God for a miracle after finding the leaves of t…


Pray for new believers among indigenous communities as they navigate the cultural challenges that come with accepting Jesus. Many face great punishment for forsaking their tribes’ indigenous beliefs in favor of faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray tha…


Pray God will continue to use Christians who have decided to stay in Syria to serve as witnesses for Christ. Many face persecution amid the dangerous and harsh conditions that come with religious intolerance. Join us in prayer that the Holy Spirit …


Please pray for Estonians, suffering at the hands of mental health issues, past traumas, and abuse. "1 in 6 Estonians are sexually abused before the age of 15," AGWM personnel reports. "And 90% of the population does not believe in a God or spiritua…


Please pray for believers throughout Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia where over 90% of the population is Buddhist. New requirements have been implemented requiring 30 persons for the registrations of religious bodies. Pray for the Holy Spirit …


Join us in prayer for persecuted believers to be strengthened across the world as they encounter violence, abuse, and even death. “Persecution and suffering among global Pentecostal churches has increased,” the Pentecostal Commission on Religious Li…


Join us in prayer for Christian women living in Chad, that God would use them to minister to the hearts of Muslim women. Due to conflict, thousands of Muslim women have fled to escape fighting in the Central African Republic—a landlocked country of …


Please pray for families across the Arab world to have an openness to the gospel message and unity in Christ. “Though the Arab World is traditionally hostile towards Christianity, we are seeing breakthroughs,” Eurasia Community shares. “Often times …


Pray for God’s protection over Christians throughout Central and East Africa as they continue to face conflict and daily threats. “Some of the locations people work in are hostile to the Gospel,” AGWM personnel shares. “Pray for the health and safet…


Join us in prayer for Christians living in Eritrea, a country on the Northeast Coast of Africa where believers suffer greatly for their faith. “Hundreds have been arrested and imprisoned for years simply because of their commitment to Christ,” AGWM …

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