Join with AGWM to help refugees!

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As the Ukraine refugee crisis continues, we are seeing God work miracles as hundreds surrender their lives to Jesus. A refugee support center shares, “One lady told us she never felt loved before and only feels loved at our center. Another lady told us she found out about our center while she was still in Ukraine, and a friend messaged her that if she could just make it to our center, she would be fine!” Your continued prayer and financial support are making a difference in the lives of Ukrainian refugees.


Ukraine Refugees

Your gift will directly support Ukrainian refugees.

How we can help!

AGWM missionaries and national partner churches are strategically and relationally positioned to bring relief to those impacted by the current situation in Ukraine. Your gift will support the ministry of AGWM workers who are already positioned or preparing to work with Ukrainian refugees in eight countries. It will also assist the national church in Ukraine to minister to internally displaced peoples. 

Give here to tangibly minister to those impacted by the current situation in Ukraine.

AGWM, an agency with over 100 years of missions history, is organizing to see breakthroughs in the Buddhist and Hindu worlds. The Buddhist Hindu Priority promotes the on-the-field needs for prayer partners, new global workers, and funds. For this priority, AGWM has three major goals:

  • to resource and relate to 50,000 prayer partners.
  • to welcome 150 new global workers sent to work among the BHP peoples.
  • to raise funds so that the most urgent needs for ministry among the Buddhist and Hindu can be met as quickly as they are raised by our regional leaders.

    Click below for 3 magazines about different aspects of the Buddhist Hindu Priority.
    Buddhist Hindu WorldViews

Ukraine Refugees

Your gift will directly support Ukrainian refugees.

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