
Troy & Ginnette Doudy

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2418093

troy.doudy@outlook.com Home: N/A


Establishing Churches in Lima Perú,

Training Leaders, and Touching with Compassion


Missions video church update Sept. 2024:  01_MissionariesDoudy_Peru_ChurchView_09_2024.mp4


Please pray with us: 

1. Our two church plants: Hosanna International Church and Hosanna Comas      Church amongst the Venezuelan refugees. 

2. The Hosanna ministry team and for more team members

3. Healing for Ginnette's back and neck.

4. For our adult kids and their families living in the U.S. 

We always pray with joy because of your PARTNERSHIP in the gospel from the first day until now.    Phil 1:3-6


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