
Wendy & Jeremy Osborne

Serving in Europe

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"Developing leaders            

         who impact nations!"

Wendy and Jeremy Osborne have been AGWM global workers since 2014, serving primarily in Ukraine and more recently in cooperation with the intercultural studies program at Evangel University. With the on-going war in Ukraine, they have recently transitioned to serve in the country of Malta discipling, mentoring, and educating leaders primarily throughout southern Europe. The Osbornes will utilize a variety of resources through Global University to develop church leadership, equipping them to share the message of hope!


Wendy felt a call to global service at age 8. She has earned her B.A. from Trinity Bible College, and has also earned her M.A. at AGTS. She is an ordained minister and has served with the Assemblies of God for over three decades. In that time, she has held a variety of pastoral and leadership positions with experience in children's ministry, youth ministry, worship leadership, pastoral care, preaching, discipleship, and Christian education, church planting, and now global ministry.


Jeremy earned his B.S at Evangel University, his M.S. at Missouri State University, and Ph.D. through University of Wisconsin. Dr. Osborne has a wealth of experience in higher education, and has also served in ministry alongside Wendy in a variety of capacities for over twenty years. He felt called to serve cross-culturally in 2013. Jeremy and Wendy have been married since 2003 and have three children this side of heaven.


Please prayerfully consider how you might support the Osbornes today. Having both prayer partners and financial partners are crucial for us to be able to bring the message of hope to the world. To contribute financially, click the "Give Now" button at the bottom of this page, and stay connected by liking their Facebook page at facebook.com/TheOsborneAdventures for the most up-to-date information!

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