
Joel & Kristen Temple

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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The Temple Family -Serving in the French Caribbean 


The Temples are leading a new initiative in the French overseas departments and territories of the Caribbean, focusing on spreading the Gospel, planting churches, and training leaders. Since 2001, they have served with AGWM, dedicating over two decades to reaching French-speaking regions in Africa, Europe, and now in the French Antilles, which spans the Latin American Caribbean.   


FRENCH GUIANA - The largest overseas Department/Region of France located on the South American Continent. Mostly covered in Amazonian rainforest, about half of the 300,000 people live in the capital city of Cayenne. With unreached people groupsAfro-Caribbean culturessecular europeans and internationals from all over the world, we see God opening doors to share the Gospel and plant churches in both the cities and the villages.
THE FRENCH ANTILLES comprising the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and about a dozen others—are home to over 900,000 people.There is a great need for leadership training, evangelism and church planting throughout this vast region, as only around 4% of the population are born-again believers. 

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