
Josh & Lisa Sears

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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We have been serving with the Assemblies of God World Missions since 2007, in a variety of roles. We first served in El Salvador for 4 years doing children's and youth evangelism and discipleship. We then served in a regional position in Latin America, working as an advocate with university students and churches to raise up more workers in our region, as well as working with new missionary training and mentorship. On August 15, 2021, we landed in Brazil as one of only 4 AG missionary families serving in the country. 

As the first full-time AG missionaries living in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, we are pioneering ministry efforts and establishing a ministry leadership team to the meet the multifaceted needs of the Amazon. The state of Amazonas is nearly 3 times the size of Texas and home to over 10,000 jungle communities. 80% of these communities have ZERO church presence and many have yet to even receive the Gospel for the first time. Our vision is to provide new, previously unreached believers with a strong biblical foundation and ministry training, coupled with practical life skills, so that they can in turn carry the gospel to others in surrounding areas.

Focusing our efforts in the port city of Manaus, we use the children’s evangelism and discipleship tools and strategies learned in El Salvador to share the Gospel in the city and in the jungle. We work among the urban indigenous, indigenous people who have migrated to Manaus and are living in communities on the outskirts of the city. We also work into the interior of the rainforest, traveling by boat for days at a time to reach communities that have yet to hear the Gospel. 

Another tool that we use is oral storytelling. Many of the indigenous communities in the interior are primarily oral cultures, communities that comunicate through stories and narrative over ink and paper. Utilizing short Bible narratives and storytelling, we are not only making the Gospel accessible to those who previously had no access, but we are working to train indigenous believers to become Gospel storytellers. 

Will you become part of our tribe and help us Awaken the Amazon to the greatest story ever told? 

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