
Ben & Natalia Allion

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2747954

ben.allion@lacagwm.org Home: N/A



Plan for Panama

With the Lord's help we plan to evangelize and make disciples among the immigrant UPG community living in Panama City. We are pastoring Panama International Church. It as well as the new church plant in another area of Panama City is focused on ministering to people who have moved to Panama from other countries, to get them incorporated into a community of faith. We have also been invited to help with the National Department of Missions in order to mobilize new Panamanian missionaries to do overseas missions.


LAC initiative to reach UPGs

We have accepted the role to help the Latin American countries in our region begin to focus on reaching these Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish communities who have migrated to live among us far from their restricted access countries. We plan to gather and create new materials to help equip national churches and Bible institutes to reach and disciple these ethnicities. 


Previous work in Argentina

In Ben's previous term we brought teams from Argentina to support their missionaries already planting churches overseas. We also trained and mobilized new Argentine missionaries to leave and sow their lives in the country of their calling.

We wrote and printed two books designed to help the national church better fulfill their role in world missions.

“Canales de bendición” 

Pipeline is the title in English and the purpose is to help churches and individuals be more generous in missions support.

“Sin Acceso”

No Access is a book that highlights the need to send workers to the least reached areas where people have no access to churches, Christians or the Bible and have very little chance of hearing about Jesus and putting their faith in Him.


Our family

Ben met Natalia in Argentina during his previous term. She was a part of the “Potential Missionary Group” for 9 years as she was preparing to go to Asia from Argentina. Ben was in charge of all of the short-term missionary trips and she was part of the team of the first trip he led in 2015. He saw how she reached women for the Lord, ministered to children and showed a good attitude in a team setting. We began dating in 2016 and married in May 2017. On 8/28/21 our daughter Julieta was born and we cannot thank God enough for the blessing of having our baby MK here with us in Panamá!

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