
Delta Cavner

Serving in Africa

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Account 2775781

delta.cavner@fulbrightmail.org Home: N/A


Delta Cavner is an Assembly of God ordained minister and appointed missionary to Africa. She is working for Africa's Hope from where she travels to African nations to teach. She teaches courses at Bible colleges throughout Africa--particularly in Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, and Togo. Her goal is to assist national churches in a variety of ministries such as discipleship, missions, and pastor training. Much of that work is focused on helping national churches have their own effective Bible colleges that prepare national pastors for fruitful ministries including: 

-Teaching key pastors at Bible Colleges in the Horn of Africa 
-Training leaders of Bible colleges and churches to improve discipleship  
-Mentoring key church and Bible college leaders at the AG Theological Seminary (PAThS)

Click on https://s1.ag.org/partnerwithdelta to contribute to this work.

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