
Billy & Havilah Roman

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2959203

billy.roman@lacagwm.org Home: N/A





We are the Roman Family. We are serving in the island of Antigua as Missionary/Pastors. Our ministry also spreads out to the surrounding islands of the West Indies. Our purpose is to help plant churches in a region of over 20 islands in the West Indies where there are no AG churches and to reach and minister to large populations of unreached, and Spanish-speaking immigrants for Christ.


          Antigua is a place with much need for the gospel. The streets are controlled by heavy strongholds of prostitution, drugs, corruption and poverty. In our current ministry, we were able to plant the first Assembly of God church on the island. It is a Bi-lingual, multicultural church that is growing healthy leadership and new believers who will carry the gospel forward from Antigua and beyond. We provide pastoral and leadership training, we reach out to the lost with the good news of Jesus and touch the lives of the many homeless people, prostitutes, kids and addicted youth on the streets. We also host missions’ teams who come and help with various ministries including children’s VBS, helping needy families repair their homes, street literature evangelism, youth ministry and so much more.


          As we continue to build this brand-new church plant in Antigua and see it be strengthened and established, our vision is to send out ministers and together with them plant other healthy AG churches in this whole region. Our Vision is not just for on single church plant, but for a Movement of church plants across the region. Thank you!




Billy, Havilah, Joshua, Philip & David Roman


AGWM Missionaries serving in Antigua & West Indies



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