
Nicole Herrero

Serving in Europe

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I surrendered my life to Jesus in college when I discovered Chi Alpha (XA - an AG university group) that showed me what it meant to walk with Jesus through community. After graduating in 2014, the Lord called me to give a year to missions in Grenoble, France. What started as one year has turned into a lifetime calling to reach the secular French and university students in Europe! College is a crucial time for everyone as it's a new season of discovering who we are! XA changed my life and so my heart is to be able to do the same for other college students.

At this point, only 2% of the population in France consider themselves as evangelical Christians. Can you imagine going your whole life not ever coming across a follower of Jesus? 

Since 2015, I've worked alongside AGWM workers, Mark and Dalene Good. My heart to find a need and meet it has meant leading bible studies, discipling our students, volunteering with Project Rescue (2015-2018) and serving in worship, communications and creative arts for our church plant. Since 2018, I stepped into leading the university ministry on a campus with 60,000+ students, as well as pioneer the creative arts team at our church plant -- all of which has led to my new role.

March 2020, I became FULLY APPOINTED with AGWM in order to expand our reach. Communities of faith are essential across a nation who has forgotten who Jesus is. My heart is to be an extension of what we have cultivated in Grenoble to and partner with the local church in NICE! The need is too great to stay in one place when our students are constantly on the move to new places and have no community to connect to. I've stepped in as a young adult pastor working alongside a French A/G church and am pioneering a university cafe to reach students and nonbelievers with my group!  

If you would like more information, I'm available to connect and share as I am currently stateside itinerating! CLICK on any of the links below to join the journey. 


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