
Michelle Mergens

Serving in Europe

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Hej venner! My name is Michelle. 

Having grown up in an active duty military family, I spent much of my life living overseas in Europe. After graduating high school in Germany, I moved back to the states to pursue a degree in Art Education. Coming to college, I wanted to find a faith community right away. Within the first few weeks of college, I got invovled with Chi Alpha. Even though I had a personal relationship with the Lord before coming to college, my life was radically transformed by Jesus through this campus ministry! Little did I know that God was putting me on the path to ministry. As I went through my undergrad program, my desire to teach art shifted to teaching others about Jesus. After graduating college in 2014, I did a Chi Alpha internship with my alma mater. Before I finished my internship, I knew God was leading me to continue as a missionary/staff with Chi Alpha. 

After leading our Chi Alpha spring break mission trip in 2016 to Denmark, God started to give me a burden for university students in Copenhagen. A month after my first mission trip there, I went on a two-day silent, prayer retreat. While alone in a cabin in the woods, the Lord told me that I would go back to Denmark in two years. A couple years go by and I find myself leading the Chi Alpha mission trip to Denmark again! In the months leading up to this second trip, God started to reveal that He was leading me to go for more than a 10 day mission trip. Months after my second 10 day mission trip, I was so burdened by the fact that there were many young people at a crossroads in their lives, longing for purpose but not finding it in Jesus.

In July 2018, I made the commitment to go for 1 year with the intent to pray about a lifetime. Now, after 4 years living in-country, I believe God has called me to continue in Denmark, working alongside my two teammates who are European nationals. Currently we are focusing on reaching three major universities in Copenhagen and Roskilde, where we have weekly bible studies. We also gather everyone together for our bi-weekly Friday Dinners, with any where from 15-30 students & young professionals coming to enjoy a home-cooked meal, fellowship, and hearing about Jesus!  

According to a recent survey in 2024, Denmark ranks as the 4th least religious country in the world. Will you consider partnering with me in prayer and finances so that we may see the heart of Denmark transformed? 


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