
Jerry & Deborah Chambliss

Serving in Europe

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Account 2983377

jerry.chambliss@eu.agwm.org Home: N/A


About us!


Jerry & Deb are Maryland natives. They were married in 2017 and welcomed their son Silas in early 2023. They have served as team pastors with an emphasis on student ministry and global mission with a strong focus on relational discipleship, team-building, and spiritual formation. They have led numerous local and global outreach teams training students on 

cross-cultural evangelism, compassion ministry, and refugee care. 


Did you know?


According to the Church of Sweden, only 2% of its members regularly attend worship services.

(Compared to 41% in the US)


According to the World Value Survey, Sweden is the most Secular Nation in the Western world.


72% of Swedes think religion is not important at all, compared to 13-20% in the US. (Pew Research) 


1 in 10 Stockholmers are laid to rest with no family present at all


According to the World Value Survey, Sweden is the most Secular Nation in the Western world. 



Minstry Goals


Jerry and Deb look forward to serving SOS Church Stockholm, an international church with a focus on reaching the unreached and ist generation believers.


They will disciple young adults and direct the bible school to raise spirit-empowered leaders that turn the tide of secular culture in Stockholm. God is speaking to his church that the Holy Spirit is the difference maker, and they are excited to work with a spirit-led church in context.


As Swedes fight isolation and hopelessness — pray for miracles of souls to know Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. 



Please pray for Jerry, Deb, and Silas as they build relationships with Swedes and internationals.



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