
Caleb & Isabella Miller

Serving in Africa

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Isabellawmissions@gmail.com Home: N/A


Hi Friends!!


My name is Isabella Miller! My husband, Caleb, and I are SO excited to be serving in our first term as Missionary Associates in  Africa! The first 5 months of our term were spent in South Africa assisting Charles and Tammy Hasselbring in manufacturing and building Tabernacles.

We have recently had the opportuity to transition to Malwai to assit the team on the field there! Now we are serving the rest of our 2 year term here in Malawi alongside Ryan and Amy Jacobs! We will be assisting the Malawi team with:

- Bible College

- Kids Ministry

- Compassion Ministry

We are so excited about this new door the Lord has opened for us and we can't wait to see what opportunities await us here! 




Isabella - I was called to be a Missionary when I was only 5 years old. The Lord told me that I was going to go to Africa, be a missionary there and love people. So growing up, I took loving people seriously! I made it my personal mission to love everyone the Lord put in my path! 

I eventually ended up at Vincent Revival Center where I was Assistant Kids Pastor for around 2 years. At the end of that season, I met the Hasselbrings when they were speaking at my home church. They invited me to come serve with them in South Africa and I said yes!

I met my now husband along the way of fundraising and we got married a month before we moved overseas as missionaries. It's been a wild ride but I've loved every second! I can't wait to see where the Lord takes us!


Caleb - I was called to be a Missionary at kids camp when I was in the 4th grade. Long story short, the Lord told me He wants me to be a "missionary" and "to own a pet shop." The animals I told my parents were going to be in my pet shop were giraffes, lions, monkeys, and other African wildlife. 

I did not know what the pet shop meant at the time, but now I think I have unlocked a piece of that! I am now serving in Africa with my lovely wife where we get to see all of these African wildlife. I am so beyond glad to get to serve our Lord in spreading His gospel to the nations.

Remember, being a missionary is more than a title, it is a lifestyle. No matter where you are or who you are, YOU can change the world, starting in your neighborhood!!




If you want to join us in this journey then sign up for our newsletter! You will get updates on what's going on in Africa as well as how you can pray for us and get involved with the work we are doing!

The harvest is ripe and we need all the help we can get to bring it in! 

Thank you for all your support financially and for your support through prayers!!

We love you!! :)

              - Caleb & Isabella Miller

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