
Joshua & Alina Gordon

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2997054

jsgordon81@gmail.com Home: N/A


Who We Are...

Hi! We are Joshua and Alina, AGWM Missionaries to Costa Rica. We are going to be planting a church in the area of Limón, Costa Rica. Limón is a province on the eastern coast of Costa Rica. It is often referred to by Costa Ricans as the "forgotten province" because of racism amoungst the people. God has given us a dream to establish a church in this area called Puerto Viejo, a coastal town where in the 1900s Jamacian and Chinese freed slaves were dropped off to construct a railroad.

This area has recently grown more popular with Europeans and has little to no church presence. The superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Costa Rica has asked us to begin a bilingual church there to reach those who are seeking spirtuality, drugs, and depending on Rastafarianism and Shamanism to save and heal them. We are going to introduce them to the One true God. 

3 Ways You Can Help

1. Pray - We need prayer warriors on our team! Please click the Commit to Pray Reguarly Button. We need all the prayers you can cover us in. We are not called to an easy place and your prayers will go a long way. 

2. Give - Please click the Give button below if you want to partner with us on a monthly basis or if you would like to make a one time donation, this will take your directly to the AG Giving site, which is the easiest way to set up a reoccuring gift or make a one time gift. Make sure you add the gift to the cart or it will not process the donation. It takes finances to change the world, but we know with the right partners we will do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. (Eph 3:20)

3. Go - Pray about what God would have you do. We are all called to the Great Commission (Matt 28: 18-20), so ask God where he would have you go. Whether it's to reach your community or go abroad we all have a place we are called to be Kingdom Builders. Join us on this awesome adventure of faith through obedience. 

If you would like to stay connected with us, you can click  the Facebook and Instagram Icons below our picture. You can message us on social media or send us an email if you would like to find out more information.


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